For women only. After years of working as a medical massage therapist, I realized that a missing component in relieving chronic pain is exercise. Strengthening the muscles and increasing range of motion helps to relieve chronic pain. This has not only worked for my clients but for myself as well. I have watched my family, friends and neighbors complain of body pains and increased health risks – high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis…. Knowing that many of these risks and chronic pains can be improved if not alleviated through exercise and massage, I have made it my goal to help as many women as possible to strengthen their bodies and improve their health. My goal is to improve your quality of life. Massage and exercise packages include: Chronic Pain: Migraines, neck, shoulders, back, and legs Pregnancy Massage Post-natal Licensed massage therapist in New York State. Over 20 years experience. Certified personal trainer from the American College of Sports Medicine. Please call or text Sarah Devorah at 054-567-2270 Email: